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Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

rectangular sitting on metal looking feet
, modern , low armrests , mid height back
, two cushions as seat

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.58,   0.26,   0.16

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

section couch with flat arms and long flat
back , pull out foot resting place

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.48,   0.38,   0.14

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

the target has an l shape

Correctly guessed: True

Confidences: 0.42,   0.13,   0.45

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

the target has exactly four legs

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.05,   0.50,   0.45

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

there are three visible legs there are arm
rests on both sides which curve into the
seat the back goes above the arm rests and
curves back at the top

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.64,   0.11,   0.25

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

the other sofas are straight pieces the target
sofa makes a right angle

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.70,   0.22,   0.08

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

couch has two sections it is a sectional it
has multiple split pillows in the back of
it arms have a rounded edge to them

Correctly guessed: False

Confidences: 0.11,   0.45,   0.44

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

a low armed sofa with slanted , single pole
legs it comes with two rectangular arm rest

Correctly guessed: True

Confidences: 0.24,   0.32,   0.44

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

sofa has four seat cushions

Correctly guessed: True

Confidences: 0.40,   0.16,   0.44

Distractor-A Distractor-B Target

Human Speaker:

l - shape cough with four seat cushions

Correctly guessed: True

Confidences: 0.32,   0.32,   0.37

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